Friday, March 4, 2011

Never felt this way before

I know it sounds super cliche, but there's something about this new relationship with Tim.

I mean, I hate comparing him to Jack, or to any of my ex boyfriends for that matter, but it's true. With any of my ex's, I would go through these stages where I'd get all sad and depressed because they were too busy hanging out with their other friends to talk to me. It was almost like I didn't trust them or something. Like I would get worried that they would meet someone new or something would happen...

But with Tim it's different. Even if we haven't talked in a really long time or something, I'm perfectly happy with our relationship. It's like I really truly understand him. Or at least understand him enough to know that he's not angry with me or something. Like, if Jack didn't respond right away when we were chatting, I'd think "What if he's mad at me?" But with Tim, I know that he's not mad at me and if he was, he'd tell me. It's like, I understand that he's a very honest person. So I know he'll tell me what's going on.

It's strange. But I like it. :) And I hope that things work out someday...

Well anywho, enough of my ramblings. 1 WEEK AND 1 HOUR UNTIL I SEE TIM!!!!!! :D


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