Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lots o' random

Hidey ho!

So my weekend was super funtastical! Taylor didn't get to play, but I definitely took pictures of him on the field during warm ups! :D And I got to have fun with my friends. We went out bar hopping Friday night after I got to Lincoln, so that was super fun. I also found my favorite bar. There's a place in Lincoln called Iguana's that's super peppy and fun. I loved it. Did homework Sunday with friends before heading back to Ames.

Monday and Tuesday were spent in classes and working on a python script for my senior thesis. I'm almost done with that! Yay! I think tonight Jon (the grad student I've been working with) is going to help me finish up my code and then hopefully we can run it and then get started on statistical analysis! I also need to work on my literature review because that's due Monday and this coming weekend is already pretty busy.

Speaking of this coming weekend. Taylor made the travel squad again! So he gets to join the SDSU team as they play UNI! So I'm fairly certain I'm going to the game, since it's only like an hour away from here. Haha. So that will be neat! My parents are also coming to visit on Friday night, so they can meet Cornwallis (and Beezus)! Yay! Then, Saturday evening Rachael and I are hosting a party for her 21st birthday (which was yesterday). Sunday's going to be my day of catching up, but I'd like to have my lit review done before then so that I can send it to Dr. Cervato.

Poor Cornwallis, though. He got neutered yesterday, so he's been chilling out in my room with me all night (hence the really early morning post). He's doing really good for having just had surgery, though. So that's a good thing. I'm going to keep him cooped up in my room today until I get home tonight, and then I'll let him out. Beezus has been really confused lately since she hasn't been around him at all. At least it means they won't miss each other for too long when they go their separate ways. Haha. He does some funny things, sometimes. Like this morning when I pulled out my computer, he sat down right on the keyboard and didn't let me do anything for like 5 minutes. And he even managed to turn my computer off! Silly kitty.

I wonder how Rachael is faring. Haha. I heard her and Ben get home around 12:30 last night (they went out drinking for her birthday) and I heard her up a couple times during the night. Hopefully she's not sick or anything. Otherwise I can always give her my notes from 411. I wonder if there's a good hangover cure I can recommend? haha. I'm also fairly certain we'll both need that this weekend. :P

But anywho, I hear her getting up, so I suppose I should go and get ready for the day. More later!

- Liz

Friday, September 24, 2010


Yay!!! It's finally the weekend!

Too bad I accidentally forgot to reset my alarm clock so I woke up late. Haha oops. But I was only like half an hour late, so I should be fine.

Anywho, I'm going to probably be taking a small break from blogging this weekend since I'm going to be out of town having fun with some old friends. I'll try to update but I can't guarantee anything. It'll be a great weekend, though! I get to watch my brother play football, and hang out with friends, and do a bunch of other fun stuff. It'll be a great weekend. And I even got someone to take over Newswatch for me! So I don't have to come home early on Sunday! Also, the best part about Nebraska? RUNZAAAAA! YESS! I'll have to eat there like ever meal. Haha. Runza is a restaurant that only exists in Nebraska, and it's one of my favorites. I eat there whenever I happen to go home. Haha. It's great.

But anywho, I just remembered that I need to call and make a doctor's appointment for December as well as change my appointment for the ENT doc from November to December. Usually I have the appointments over Thanksgiving break, but this year I have to move them to December because I'm visiting my best friend Scott in New Orleans! Yay! I've never been there so it'll be super fun. He keeps calling me when he gets stuck in traffic to talk about things we want to do. Haha. Silly Scott.

But anywho, gotta cut this one a little short this morning since I'm running late. I'll try to update this weekend, but I can't guarantee anything. Otherwise on Monday you'll get a full recap of the weekend! Later!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yet another rainy morning

Hello again.

So I finally got around to putting like 7 cds on my computer that I've been meaning to do for the last 3 months. Oops. But it's all good now. Just need to put them on my iPod and then I'll have some new music for work! Yessss.

Capitals beat the Blue Jackets yesterday, 6-2, although Ovi didn't play. Wild lost to the Blues, though, 5-1. LAME. But oh well. They'll do GREAT! I can feel it! And I still can't decide who I'm going to cheer for when I go see them play. It will be interesting. And EPIC! :D The Winter Classic will be interesting, too. Caps vs. Pens! Jack and I will hate each other for a day. Haha. Like we always do when the Caps play the Pens. :P

I'm watching House right now. It's one of my favorite shows EVER! I've also been watching a lot of Futurama on Netflix. I forget how nerdy that show is. Haha. Like the other day I watched an episode that had Stephen Hawking AND Nichelle Nichols in it. It was pretty awesome, though.

But anywho. My bike lock came in the mail yesterday! So I can finally ride my bike to campus! YESSSS! I just hope the 13th street hill isn't too much of a bitch. I also wish it wouldn't stay hot and humid like this. It's really annoying weather when you want to ride your bike.

And yay for my kitties being adorable! I just wish they didn't play-fight all the time. It's obnoxious to have to stop them. But oh well. That should stop in the next couple weeks when they get spayed and neutered. I've heard it's supposed to really calm your cats down. Which will be nice.

Well, time to finish doing my laundry. Joy. More tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Going to Nebraska!

Good morning!

EEE! I'm super excited for this weekend! I found out yesterday that my brother made the travel squad for the SDSU vs UNL game! :D So I'll actually get to see him suited up to play! That'll be fun. And I'll get to wear my new Jackrabbits shirt! YESSSSS!

Anywho, if anyone's read the blog since last time, you'll notice that I messed with the layout. I think the one I came up with is pretty reflective of my personality and stuff, so I hope you like it. I tried to make it as readable as possible, but suggestions are always welcome to see how to improve it.

Newswatch last night was really fun! For those of you that can't watch it, here's a link to my weather segment from the show last night:
I will probably never watch it because I hate watching myself, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know! We've also got Cy's Eyes starting back up again, so hopefully we'll get those up and running online. I'll definitely publish a link to that whenever it gets established.

Uhh...trying to think of what else is new. Haha. Tomorrow'll be fun. I don't have anything until 2 p.m. tomorrow. So yay! Kind of sad that I'm going to miss the bonfire on Friday due to going to Lincoln, but oh well. It'll be nice to see some of my old high school friends again as well as some college friends that go to UNL.

OH! NHL preseason started yesterday! YESSSS! GO CAPS! They play tonight. I'm fairly certain the Wild play tonight, too. SO GO WILD! :D I love hockey SOOO much! And speaking of hockey...last night on the Al Murdoch show, Cort Bulloch (the captain of the Cyclone hockey team) was the guest interview last night. DAMN he's good looking! Haha. But I much prefer Toigo. ;) Poor Toigo has a herniated disc, though. :( I think he needs a hug. Haha. But according to Coach Murdoch, it's getting better, so hopefully he can play again soon!

Last night was different. My kitty fell asleep on my bed, and he was sooo cute that when I went to bed, I just left him there! And he actually slept in my room for a solid hour and a half! And even then, he just left the room and didn't really bother me, so I just quietly closed the door so he couldn't get at me in the morning. He's usually really hyper in the mornings, and since I hadn't gotten a very good night sleep the night before, I figured I'd give myself the luxury. Some day I will leave my door open all night, but for now I'll just let him choose when he wants to leave. :)

Anywho, I should probably go finish getting ready for classes today. Toodles!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Year/New Me?

Hello to the world!

Yes I realize it's 5 a.m. But I am having insomnia issues so instead I will blog.

My journalism professor today said that blogging was a good idea, so I figured I'd pick this back up again. I also tend to forget how relaxing blogging is...especially when you have a lot going on, like I do this semester.

I never realized how much shit you can get done when you are awake at all hours of the night. I only wish my kitty could be in here with me. But I suppose he will be in here soon enough. Speaking of kitties, I suppose I should post a picture of Cornwallis. My roommate, Rachael, and I got two kittens this year and they are absolutely adorable! Mine is Cornwallis, and he's striped, while Rachael has Beezus, who is a black calico. Poor Beez has been having some health problems, though. She's been having this issue with her paws, but they look to be getting much better, which is definitely a good thing. September 28th is when I'm taking Cornwallis to get neutered and stuff, so hopefully he calms down a little after that. Right now he's definitely a spaz cat. Haha. He likes to attack my feet...or rather, any part of my body that just so happens to be moving. Although, he does know when to be adorable. Like the other day I came home from a really stressful day on campus and I was pretty much almost in tears. I decided to watch tv to hopefully make me feel better, when Corny came over and cuddled up next to me. It was such a nice gesture. :) There's something about cats that make you wonder if they really do know what's going on.

But anywho. This semester's turning out to be pretty darn busy! I've got three different projects this semester, one of which is my senior thesis. The other two are papers for journalism and Dynamic Meteorology. Blarg. It's just obnoxious that the Dynamics one is a group project. I hate group projects because I always seem to end up with a group who either doesn't do anything (so I get stuck doing all the work) or perfectionists who insist on doing all the work themselves. I guess it's just a Lose-Lose situation. Haha. But oh well. My senior thesis is actually pretty cool. I'm studying forecasting skill for non-meteorological backgrounds and how it improves over time. It's a neat topic and I'll definitely have to post the majority of it (leaving out any personal information of course haha) on here when it's finished! I actually have a presentation for it later today, but it's just presenting my idea and how exactly I'm going to go about researching it.

Cy's Eyes this year is going to be interesting. The shows have been going pretty well. We've only had a few hiccups, but things are mostly sorted out. The only annoying part is annoying people. I wish that if people showed up to the show, they'd help out instead of just sitting on their asses goofing around. Newswatch is pretty much the same way. But oh well. I'll deal with it. Anything to help further my career!

Speaking of career. My internship this summer was AMAZING! I interned at WQAD this summer under their chief meteorologist. It was super fun and I met a lot of awesome people and learned a ton! And apparently I made it into one of their new weather promos! Haha one of the anchors was talking to me yesterday and said you can see me in the background in the weather center during the new weather promo that they filmed over the summer. He's trying to find a copy to give me, so that'll be awesome.

But anywho. Not much else is going on on my end that I know of. I should probably pay more attention to the cat and get on top of my homework. Expect to hear a lot more from me this semester! I'll definitely need this to keep my sanity! Haha.

Talk to ya again soon!
